Yes, there are hot and cold drinks and food at the end of the event and the following food stations:
Tayside Challenge 46 mile route
Feed station at 21 miles (with toilets)
Tayside Challenge 81 mile route
Feed station at 28 miles; feed station at 57 miles (with toilets)
Cairn o’ Mount 30 mile route
Feed station at 15 miles
Cairn o’ Mount 81 mile route
Feed station at 25 miles; Feed station at 51 miles
Highland Perthshire Challenge 50 mile route
Feed station at 28 miles
Highland Perthshire Challenge 100 route
Feed station at 37 miles (with toilets); Feed station at 52 miles (with toilets); Feed station at 75 miles
Ayrshire Alps Challenge 48 mile route
Feed station with toilets at 13 miles and 32 miles
Ayrshire Alps Challenge 62 mile route
Feed stations with toilets at 13 miles and 46 miles
Ayrshire Alps Challenge 80 route
Feed station with toilets at 13 miles, 46 miles, and 65 miles